My name is Julia Ann Robinson and I was born on December 26, 1990. Yes, the day after Christmas. I was born with red hair, which I got from my ginger-dad, Jim, and have had red hair my entire life. My mom, Brenda, and younger brother, Lee, both have brown hair and are dark-skinned. Needless to say, we don't look much alike!
Throughout my entire life my red hair has been a huge part of who I am. Growing up I didn't get a lot of jokes about it, that I remember anyways, but it always seemed to be my identifier. When girls guarded me in sports they never yelled out, "I've got 24." No, they yelled out, "I've got the red headed one!" People even just tended to call me "red" sometimes, but it never bothered me much. "Carrot-top" was always a name that got under my skin a bit, along with some other inappropriate names for red heads (you can figure it out), but most people were respectful to me about it so it wasn't a big issue.
My high school and college years were really when the name "ginger" set in. More and more people started to call me that, and I never understood how that name's supposed to be offensive. When people call me ginger someone will always say, "OMG! Doesn't that bother you?!?" But honestly, no, it doesn't. I am a "ginger" and I enjoy my hair color, so if people want to acknowledge me for that asset, so be it!
That is all of my ginger-story that I will share with you for now, but I hope that this post caught your interest and maybe even made you smile! My next post will be next Sunday featuring another ginger on Simpson's campus.
Get excited! :)
Love you!